Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Some thoughts on learning the trombone in 1878

We here at the blog like to keep it old school.  Click HERE to view this article.  It's from the NY Times in 1878.  It starts about halfway down the page on the left and then continues into a second column.  Why?  Why not?   Below are two excerpts  that might raise your eyebrows...

"Of all of the various brass instruments which have been devised by musical or malevolent ingenuity, there is none which in it's capacity for inflicting both torture and delight is comparable to the trombone."

Agree or disagree?  Here is another...  

"Central Africa is clearly the place designed by nature for students of the trombone.  There alone they can practice in safety, and there alone will their brazen discords aid the march of civilization."


  1. So, we should be holding trombone band lessons in Africa? We wouldn't want to jeapordize the safety of the trombone students here in Yorktown because of their "brazen discords." Do you think we could get the travel budget approved for this? According to the artice, I guess our visit to Africa could be seen as humanitarian aid...

  2. They need a lot more than trombone players.


Keep it clean, Buster Brown!