Friday, April 8, 2011

Stevie Wonder fans, dig this!

I've had Esperanza on here before, and she deserves a second look if you missed the first clip.  This performance is just...WOW!  She might even be more deserving than the Bieber of her Best New Artist Grammy award.  Notice the key changes happening, notice the impecable tuning on the bass, notice her ability to get in the moment in front of Stevie Wonder and the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD!!!  There is a bass player you know who needs to see this immediately - even the hair fits!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pat Metheny (and his hair)

This is some nice playing right here.  Just sit back and look out the window (or stare at his hair) as you take this one in.

You should try and create beautiful melodies like Pat has every time you play.  Please don't emulate his hair. 


Jamming in space near the end of this video.  It's almost a blues scale!  I hope the neighbors don't mind.  On a side note, a baseball cap might be a good investment.

Picard isn't too shabby either...  shmaltzy perhaps, but not shabby.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools prank!

I enjoyed this one, and I'm a blog, so I can only imagine what you will think of it...

FYI, the orchestra teacher and the first violinist are in on it, don't be frightened.